Transnational Project Meeting “Play. Engage. Participate”


The project “Play. Engage. Participate” is finally ON!

For last few days we have participated in a kick-off transnational meeting of this two years partnership between four organisations: Soholm 4H from Denmark, YoWo Poland from Poland and Las Ninas del Tul from Spain. 

During the meeting we got to know the teams from four countries and we made a small recap of the main goal of the project, which is to increase youth participation in social and political life by creating innovative gamified tools. We confirmed task division and attended an extremely informative session “Finances by Fred” which was (surprise, surprise) facilitated by Fred.

Later on we made some serious researches in country groups about youth participation in our countries, its’ challenges and possibilities. We have also researched already existing games about youth participation and discussed: what do we actually want to gamify? 

The meeting was supposed to happen in Denmark, but due to the current situation concerning pandemic we needed to move it to online format. But even thought we couldn’t meet in person we had a wonderful, productive and fun time. Now we can’t wait for the first training that we are going to implement very soon (hopefully!). 

Stay tuned for upcoming news! 

KA2 Strategic Partnership “Play. Engage. Participate” has been funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ Programme.

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