Kolín, a picturesque town in the Czech Republic, hosted youth leaders from across Europe from October 19 to 27, 2024, during the...
Erasmus+ Training Course ACT w Danii
Have you ever wondered what the term ‘European citizenship’ really means? Is it just about politics? Where does it start and...
Erasmus+ Training Course Breakout Box: Social Entrepreneurship Edition in Czechia
Are you a youth worker? Would you like to enhance your skills in social entrepreneurship and discover innovative educational...
“G.A.M.E.” – Erasmus+ Training Course in Czechia
Board games, card games, video games… How about we combine these fun activities with non-formal education that could be used in...
IKIGAI – Erasmus+ Training Course in Italy
Are you a youth worker? Would you like to gain new skills and learn facilitation techniques to empower young people? Apply for...
How to write Erasmus+ projects? Training course in the Czech Republic
At YoWo, we love sharing knowledge with others! In January (12-21/01/2024), our team had the pleasure and honor of co-organizing...
Erasmus+ Carpe DIEM! in Italy
“Carpe diem!” - this Latin phrase, meaning “seize the day”, is a perfect motto for Erasmus+ projects, which are all about making...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Becoming Through Resilience” in Croatia
Do you want to broaden your knowledge on the topic of mental health and especially what resilience truly is? Maybe you do not...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Youth Forward” in Czechia
Discover a world of possibilities with our Erasmus+ training course on youth participation! Ready to explore the topic? Want to...