From 30.09 to 08.10.2023 a group of 5 young people from Poland had an opportunity to take part in an Erasmus+ project titled...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Create Solve Change Repeat” (Denmark)
On October 13-21, 2022, an Erasmus+ Training Course was held in Copenhagen, during which participants dealt with the topic of...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Communication – the Key of Change” in Portugal
Communication between Youth Workers and youngsters in a non-formal educational context is paramount for several reasons:...
Review: Erasmus+ “Global World? Global Learning- Education for global equity”
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever...
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “Young, Wild & Free”, Spain
Are you looking for a way to get rid of excuses and start really living? Close to nature and in harmony with yourself? Are you...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Colourful Hands” in Spain
Do you want to discover the magic of visual thinking and learn how graphic elements can become a powerful tool in the...
Erasmus+ Training Course „Y-AI in Youth Work” in Czechia
Are you wondering how to use the potential of artificial intelligence to work more effectively with young people? Or maybe you...
Erasmus+ Training Course „EveryBODY free” in Italy
Are you interested in gender equality? Do you want to exchange opinions and experiences with people working with youth on this...
Erasmus+ Training Course „The Money Minds” in Croatia
Do you feel like the traditional school never taught well about financial literacy? Would you like to shift your mindset towards...