Communication between Youth Workers and youngsters in a non-formal educational context is paramount for several reasons: building trust and rapport; understanding needs and interests; empowerment and participation; conflict resolution and mediation. Join this Erasmus+ Training Course and learn more about communication in the context of youth work!

Some important details:

When? 08/04/2024-16/04/2024

Where? Santa Maria de Feira, Portugal

Topic of the project: communication, non-formal education

What will you experience?

💛 You will learn how to improve better understanding between youth workers and young people through using communicating techniques, such as: empathy, active listening, respect and validation, feedback mechanisms and using a clear and simple language.

💛 You will develop your conflict resolution skills that can be used in youth work.

💛 You will experience an intercultural exchange of experiences and good practices from people working with youth all over Europe.

You can participate if:

  • you are 18+ years old;
  • you are an active youth worker / NGO worker / youth leader / trainer or teacher;
  • you know English language on a communicative level;
  • you are enthusiastic and motivated to join the project 🙂;
  • you are currently living in Poland (all nationalities are welcome!).

Feel like applying? Scroll down!

Practical info about the project:

THIS IS (almost) FOR FREE! Accommodation and food are fully covered by the Erasmus+ program. The participation fee to the hosting organisation (Portuguese Red Cross) is 20 euro (it will be deducted from your budget for travel).

Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the reimbursement limit rules (check the budget limits in the Infopack!). This means that you pay for your travel, collect all the documents and the hosting organisation reimburses it after the project. Sounds nice, right?

The project is hosted and organised by: Portuguese Red Cross (Portugal)

Infopack of the project: CHECK IT OUT!


For more information CONTACT US!

This project has been funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ Programme. 

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