How to write Erasmus+ projects? Training course in the Czech Republic


At YoWo, we love sharing knowledge with others! In January (12-21/01/2024), our team had the pleasure and honor of co-organizing the Erasmus “Write It Up” training course, during which the training team – Urszula Leszczyńska (YoWo Poland), Helena Podlešáková Leszczyńska (YoWo Poland/CEFIG International) and Ondra Podlešák (CEFIG International) – guided a group of participants through everything they need to know to start creating Erasmus+ projects themselves.

During the 8-day course we managed to:

✅️ Find out about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ program;

✅️ Know all the criteria that an organization must meet to apply for European funds and understand the principles of budget allocation and conditions of participation in the program;

✅️ Create concepts for new Erasmus+ projects;

✅️ Complete the Erasmus+ application forms – projects are almost ready to be submitted!

Błażej, one of the participants sent by YoWo Poland to the training course, sums up the experience:

In January, I had the opportunity to take part in an extremely inspiring Training Course as part of the Erasmus+ project called “Write it up!” and related to the topic of effective project writing. It was a very intense and full of positive energy experience that lasted for 8 days!

This training is a real treat in terms of content and coaching. Not only did I gain knowledge about writing Erasmus+ projects, but I also learned effective methods of working on applications. The trainers were extremely competent, committed and able to adapt to the different experience levels of the participants. They were ready to answer every question, even the most difficult ones. Their commitment was visible from day one, and their help and support extended even during breaks. I received a lot of inspiration and ideas for workshops that I want to implement in future projects.

One of the most valuable elements of the training for me was learning about the process of creating Erasmus+ projects. I learned not only the structure and form, but also the key elements that make the project not only compliant with the requirements, but also attractive to the funder. I am currently working on a youth exchange project with a partner from Latvia, and the knowledge I have gained is extremely valuable to me. I use it every day.

During the training, I also had the opportunity to meet many valuable people from different countries who were willing to share their experiences and knowledge. It was a unique opportunity for me to network and establish new contacts that have already resulted in joint cooperation.

To summarize, “Write it up!” it’s not just training, but a real journey through the world of Erasmus+ projects. This is an experience that will certainly have a positive impact on my work and involvement in subsequent initiatives. Thank you for giving me the opportunity, thank you to everyone who participated in the organization of this course and contributed to this unforgettable adventure!

The project was funded by the Erasmus+ program.

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