Erasmus+ Youth Exchange “There’s More Than Grass 2.0”, Estonia

Traditional cuisine in its vegan version? Sounds like a mission impossible? Whether you eat vegan or not (and maybe even more if not), we invite you to participate in this Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Estonia! Take a look at the infopack, read the details and apply!

Some important details:

When? 30/092023 – 08/10/2023

Where? Otepää, Italy

Topic of the project: veganism, cooking, traditional food

What will you experience?

💛 You will spend one week in beautiful Estonia with other young people from Poland, Estonia, Portugal and The Netherlands.
💛 You will live it 100% vegan & 100% fun!
💛 You will experience multicultural exchange through preparing and sharing food and traditional recipes.

You can participate if:

  • you are 18-23 years old;
  • you are enthusiastic and motivated to join the project 🙂
  • you are currently living in Poland (all nationalities are welcome!)
  • Important! We will invite both people who are already vegan/vegetarian and those who would like to try out plant-based diet.

The language of the project is English, BUT you do not have to speak it perfectly! Each national team will have a group leader who will help you with the language, if needed 🙂

And that’s it! Feel like applying? Scroll down!

Practical info about the project:

THIS IS FOR FREE! Accommodation and food are fully covered by the Erasmus+ program.

Travel costs will be reimbursed according to the reimbursement limit rules (more info coming soon!). This means that you pay for your travel, collect all the documents and the hosting organisation reimburses it after the project. Sounds nice, right?

The project is hosted and organised by: Partner Up Estonia (Estonia).

Infopack of the project: CHECK IT OUT


For more information CONTACT US!

This project has been funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ Programme.  

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

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(+48) 502 820 973