We are looking for participants for our online Youth Participation Activity about social activism and clothes design!

When? four online workshops

12/02/2022 (Saturday), 11:00-14:00
19/02/2022 (Saturday), 11:00-14:00
26/02/2022 (Saturday), 11:00-14:00
05/03/2022 (Saturday), 11:00-14:00

Where? online, zoom

Topic of the project: social activism and clothes design

Project description:

In this project, we will go together through a series of online workshops where young people from 5 European countries (Poland, Spain, Italy, Greece and Latvia) will meet online to discuss the topics of active citizenship and social impact they can have in the society by voicing their opinions.
We will design and produce a line of clothes with social messages regarding topics that are important for us!

All participants will receive designed hoodies after the workshops!


  • at least 16 years old
  • with at least intermediate level of English
  • interested in the topic of active citizenship and design;
  • motivated and excited to learn and discover 🙂
  • being present during all the parts of the project (all the workshops).


For more information CONTACT US!

This project has been funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ Programme.  

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

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(+48) 502 820 973
