TC Dare to Draw


Our Erasmus+ Training Course “Dare to Draw” has come to an end, but we all agreed to keep the positive attitude, loving and smiling approach and creativity in drawing and also in our realities once back home. It was a week full of lines, circles, icons, drawings, smiles, dances, presentations, challenges, new experiences and new friendships. And it’s not going to stop! Out amazing participants are now bravely moving to the dissemination part of the project!

For now – check out some pieces of summaries from the projects reflections of our participants:

“The first day was filled with a lot of new people, a lot of new names, a lot of talks and a lot of steps made during the morning walk. After the walk we took some time to get fully into the project, to set up some common rules and discuss our fears, expectations and contributions for the project”

“Today we had some individual work diving into the essential techniques of graphic facilitation. Working with shades, colors, lettering, emotions, characters, arrows and finnaly framing. It was good that we got to focus on each theme for at least 15 minutes. This created such a peaceful and a chill vibe”

“Later on we got a dose of stress from separating into groups and creating drafts for a live performance in front of an audience. We had about six minutes to talk about the youth workers topic. Meanwhile also drawing templates, that being a first try for many which we succeeded amazingly – Said by the trainers”.

“Today we’ve learnerd about offline and online graphic recording and we’ve seen some amazing examples of it! Afterwards it was time to put it in practise and try it ourselves in groups which was helpful experience”

“In the end of the day we enhanced our creativity by drawing countless cirlces and by making some doodles that firstly had no sense, but with some time and effort changed into something very special and beautiful”

Check out a manual created by our participants during the training HERE!

🌍 TC “Dare to Draw” is financed from Erasmus+ Programme.

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(+48) 502 820 973